ドイツ出身 アメリカ ラスベガス在住
ドイツ語・英語・スペイン語 3カ国語のナレーション実績多数。
With a scientific and top manager background Ilja is a well-known film and music producer, international actor, award-winning musician and trained VO artist since many years. Speaking 7 languages this German native has a versatile voice from warm, believable and friendly over educational, corporate and sophisticated to tough, powerful and even fun. References include Apple, Chiquita, Dell, Fujitsu, IBM, AEG, Hertz, IBM, Oracle, Nvidia, Unilever, Sharp, Skype, JVC, Santander and Eli Lilly. Offering voice overs in German, English and Spanish.
お問い合わせ: mail@hh-voice.jp TEL: 044-328-9337