Claudir Gomes
・Country and city of origin: Mandaguaçu/ Brazil
・Current county and city of residence: Paraná/ Brazil
・Native language(s): Portuguese
・Other languages available: Not
・Qualifications, licenses, special skills, hobbies and interests, etc.:
I am a professional voice since 1995
I worked in radio as a narrator and producer for over 25 years.
Formed by the São Paulo Voice Club and other courses in Brazilian dubbing.
Besides having studied theater
My commitment is to go beyond conventional classical locution.
I use the voice as an interpreter, a narrator, a storyteller: For Internet, TV, Corporate Institutions, Training, Commercial, IVR, E-learning Spots and much more.
Professional, versatile, I am driven by excellence in results.
I understand that the timbre of the voice is not what qualifies for Voice Over Talent the most.
I have been working a lot with Corporate E Learning, IVR, Commercial projects for videos.
Brands such as Vigor Queijos Brazil, Banco Sicred Brazil and Lg Brazil
My strengths as a voice actor:
Corporate narration and conversation.
Commercial sales pitches and product and brand launches
お問い合わせ TEL: 044-328-9337